Accelerating the Digital Transformation with Organizational Network Analysis

Source: Alpha Stock Images -   According to Harvard Business Review “since 2000, 52 percent of companies in the Fortune 500 have either gone bankrupt, been acquired or ceased to exist as a result of digital disruption". Interestingly...

Why focusing on Employee Experience?

Today companies are dealing with generations – from Millennials to Generation Z - who have grown up in an experience economy. Even when it comes to work, new generations value experience more than stuff. As companies have become increasingly aware that employees are...

Who are your “Go-To” People?

Every organization has its “go-to” people, people in any department who can answer any question.   They are people with recognized authority who share their new insights and information, thus allowing a collective to cooperate on one process while achieving...

Organizational Network Analysis Tools are drivers for People and Business Success

New organizational balances and structures are making their way in companies following the digital revolution. To help organizations and their HR get a better understanding of the ongoing changes, technology and the latest data capabilities provide powerful tools. One...

A new Tool for Measuring Generation Z Engagement

Generation Z and Millennials have been entering the workforce, bringing change. They are challenging the way the work gets done and creating new demands in the workplace. Like no other generation, they want more collaboration and feedback at work, since they are used...